Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

American Show Racer

Amerika Show Racer merpati dikenal sebagai "Burung Dignity".
Berkembang biak dimulai pada awal 1950-an dengan Homers Racing terbaik dipilih untuk Jenis berkembang biak mereka.Levi menyebutkan "Show Pen Racers" dalam bukunya ''The Pigeon''. Dia menggambarkan perkembangan awal berkembang biak di Amerika Serikat dan peternak awal varietas. Pada tahun 1952, the American show Pen racerClub yang dibentuk padaShow Nasional yang diadakan di Des Moines, IowaSeperti tahun-tahun berlalu, kata "pen" telah dihapus dari nama klub dan secara resmi berubah menjadi The American Show Racer AssociationSebagai berkembang biak yang dikembangkan, standar telah diupdate dan pada tahun 2000, sebuah gambar standar baru telah dibuat dan diterima oleh suara keanggotaan. Penekanan ditempatkan pada "stasiun" (yang meliputi postur tegak) dan kepala kuat. Burung itu harus sangat berbulu halus.

The American Show Racer Association saat ini memiliki sekitar 150 anggota di 37 negara bagian dan tujuh negara. Ini adalah klub afiliasi dari National Association Pigeon. Sebuah link ke website resmi klub dapat ditemukan di bawah ini.
Berkembangbiakan ini populer di pameran. Pada bulan November 2007 di Pageant dari Merpati yang digelar di San Bernardino, California. Sekitar 150 yang dimasukkan oleh 15 peserta pameran.

ciri - ciri:

Kepala :
Profile rising gradually and smoothly in an unbroken curve from the top
of the beak to the highest point just above the center of the eye, then
descending gradually and smoothly, flowing into the neck and providing a
full and balanced back skull. Minimum distance from the tip of the beak
to the center of the eye shall be one and one-half inches. Top view must
show good width at the back of the head and between the eyes,
narrowing gradually from the back smoothly toward the wattle and
showing no angularity in outline with no pinching between the eye and
the wattle. Across the crown should be convex from above the eye on
one side to above the eye on the other side. This should not be flat or
square. The whole head should express strength with no sign of
weakness, thinness or sharp angles. A crest is a serious fault.


Medium in length stout and straight set. Both mandibles of nearly equal
substance set smoothly into the face with no broken outline. Upper and
lower mandibles should fit closely with no sign of gaping or crossing. An
imaginary line extended through the mandible seam should extend
through the center of the eye. The beak may vary in color from dark in
standard blue colors to amber in reds, to flesh color in Dilutes, Whites
and in some Splashes and Rare’s.

Wattle( pial ):
Medium in size, smooth in texture and free from coarseness. It should
fit smoothly between the head and the beak in profile and top view.
Both sides should be of equal substance. In both top and front views,
wattle should appear even, balanced and heart shaped with no pronounced
split or feather growth between the halves. The wattle should
fit smoothly with the feathers surrounding it. Any naturally exposed
skin under and around the lower mandible should be small, smooth in
texture, free from coarseness and not obvious to the casual glance.

Bright, fiery and sharp in appearance. Bright blood to dark red or
chestnut preferred. Gravel, pale, broken or odd marked eyes are a
serious fault. Both eyes must be the same color. Eye color to be
compatible with the color and associated genetic factors of the bird. A
bull eye or solid black eye is permissible in Whites and Splashes. False
pearl eyes are acceptable in brown birds.

In profile cut straight back from bottom of the lower mandible to a
throat that is free from gullet and thickness, then descending in a
smooth curve to a broad chest. On the backside, it should descend from
a full back skull in a slight but smooth curve, blending into broad
shoulders. It should be stout, of medium length and with no sign of
loose feathers or neck creases. Crescent or frill is a serious fault.

Bagian belakang/punggung:
Short, flat and broad across the shoulders and tapering smoothly to the
rump. Strong and well padded as it approaches the rump with no indication
of indentation or weakness.

Pantat hewan:
Well padded and sturdy, showing no signs of weakness, flatness or excessive
width, tapering smoothly into the tail slightly convex from side
to side.

Vent Bones:
Vent bones should show strength and be fairly close to the end of the
keel, allowing no more than 3/4" between the end of the keel and the
vent bones. Hens may be allowed a little leeway on this, but should not
exceed 1".

Keel (breastbone) shall be centered in the body and curve smoothly
from the chest up toward the vent bones. It should show no wave, indentation
or crookedness. It should be three to four inches in length.
It should be of good structure, not prominent but fleshed out, giving
the feeling of a smooth roundness from side to side. Keel should not be
too deep or too shallow.

Strong and powerful, held close to the body, just above the tail, with
thick and fairly prominent butts. Primary and secondary flights should
be wide in web, closely overlapping, with length in keeping with the size
of the body. Quills should be strong and steel like. Coverts should be
broad, of good length and thickness, covering well over the rump. There
should be ten primary and ten secondary flights in each wing. Primary
flights not completely grown out, as long as the bird is molting evenly,
should not be considered a major fault. All feathers should be free
from holes, fret marks and any other damage.

Twelve strong feathers close fitting and overlapping to give the appearance
of one feather; short in proportion to the size of the bird and
extending slightly beyond the flights 1/2" to 1" at most and fitting
smoothly into the rump.

Legs and Feet:
Free from feathers on the lower legs and feet. Feathers should be
close fitting on the upper leg, at hocks and between legs. Legs should be
bent at hocks with thighs well set back, strong and muscular and medium
to short in length. Feet and legs should be dark to bright red. Toe
nails sharp and of all the same color. Color may vary from dark to black
in standard blue colored birds, to amber in Ash Reds, to flesh colored in
Whites and some Splashes.

The body as a whole presents a smoothly tapered, wedge shaped appearance
that is clearly felt in the hand. It begins with a good, broad
chest and tapers to a narrow rump. It should be well fleshed and solid
with a feeling of strength and smoothness, not fat. It should be neither
too deep nor too shallow.

Medium size bird is preferred and when in show condition should weigh
between 17 and 22 ounces. Height to be 9" slight over or under size, or
over or under weight, should not eliminate a bird if otherwise near
perfection. Both judges and breeders should make a sincere effort to
adhere to the standard size and weight.

maaf ya anak2 abcz klo ada bahasa inggrisnya, soalnya
pas saya translate jadi gk nyambung.
sekalian belajar bahasa inggris bro!

credits by: me muhammad_abcz

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